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Looks really cool! Would you be wiling to make this a downloadable cart, as well?

I just discovered this, that was really fun! Great job here :D


Ah thanks for the follow, did you like the Alex Kidd demake? And you've de-maked my favourite game on the NES! Damn that's awesome :) I feel like no one else likes this game, hahah... Wow this is a 1 to 1 re-creation, the responsive attacks, the way the enemies behave... amazing work man.

There's a bug after the first game over screen, if you continue playing - you only get one life next time. The counter says --2 but as soon as you die it's game over, no extra lives.



Yeah, I did play the Alex Kidd demake; it was awesome!

There seem to be quite a few bugs in the Kung-Fu demake, but I haven't had the motivation to work on it yet.